Additional Financial Assistance & Education
ABCCM, Crisis ministry that provides emergency assistance to individuals and families such as food, clothing, furniture and financial assistance for heat, utilities and rent/mortgage.
Advocacy Connector, Provides financial and advocacy resources searchable by cancer type.
American Breast Cancer Foundation, Assists patients with breast cancer diagnosis.
American Cancer Society, A nationwide voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer.
Bikers Against Breast Cancer, Provides mini-grants of up to $300 to breast cancer patients and caregivers on a national level.
CANCERcare, Resources for cancer including counseling, support groups, education, and financial assistance.
Cancer and Careers, How to balance a cancer diagnosis and work with support and transitional resources.
Cancer.Net, The most trusted and up-to-date cancer information, developed by the world’s leading cancer doctors.
Cancer Horizons, Is an Internet cancer support community that offers over 1,500 pages of medical/non-medical resources, helpful articles, and information on all types of cancer.
Cancer Support Community, A global network of education and hope.
Cancer Supportive Survivor-ship Care, Provides a list of drug assistance programs from pharmaceutical companies.
Caring Community Foundation, Inc, Provides financial support to cancer patients in need by providing assistance with rent, utilities, treatment, or other expenses that become difficult to manage during cancer treatment.
Casting for Hope, Attending to the financial, emotional, and spiritual needs of women living with ovarian and gynecological cancers in Western North Carolina.
Chronic Disease Funds, Helps patients with chronic diseases find access to needed medications.
CURE, Provides an extensive list of national resources for advocacy, financial and pharmaceutical assistance.
Eblen Charities, Provides medical assistance to families living with the burdens and effects illnesses and disabilities bring.
Fiscal Tiger, Affording and Paying for Healthcare guide with topics ranging from medical bill basics to medical debt resources for veterans.
MedStay, Finds lodging at best discounted rate for hospitals in UNC Chapel Hill/Duke area.
Modest Needs, Assists individuals with unexpected financial emergencies.
National Cancer Institute, A complete guide about cancer from the National Cancer Institute.
NeedyMeds, Offers discount drug cards and a database of disease-specific resources.
Patient Access Network, The Patient Access Network Foundation (PAN) facilitates access to medical treatment for patients with chronic or life-threatening illness. PAN is dedicated to overcoming financial and other barriers to treatment, and works efficiently and collaboratively to help patients receive prescribed treatments and the care that best meets their needs.
Patient Advocate Foundation, Patient Advocate Foundation provides comprehensive resource guide and staff to help navigate sources for co-pay assistance and answers questions about financial assistance, disability and insurance processes.
Patient Resource, Features information on different types of cancer, newsletters and financial and advocacy resources.
Pink Daisy Project, Helps women under 45 cope with the hardships of breast cancer treatment by providing care and comfort through housecleaning, groceries, assistance with prescription costs, and other assistance as needed.
The Pink Fund, Provides short term financial aid for breast cancer patients for basic living expenses. Application is available to download, on the 1st -15th of each month they are accepting applications.
Pretty in Pink Foundation, Provides financial assistance, resources and support to underinsured or uninsured people diagnosed with breast cancer who reside in NC.
Road to Recovery, Offers cancer patients transportation to and from doctor’s office and treatment appointments. Call (800)227-2345 or click Road to Recovery Link to find a ride program in Western North Carolina near you!
Rx Outreach, A nonprofit organization that helps low-income families who cannot afford the medication they need.
SAMFund, Provides post-treatment financial needs to young cancer survivors between the ages of 21-39.
SingleCare, Offers a free discount prescription card for cost savings at most pharmacies.
Susan G. Komen, Site for breast cancer patients providing support, resources, and financial assistance.
United Way, Call 2-1-1 for local assistance with food, housing, employment, healthcare, counseling, and more.
Women’s Wellness & Education Center, Susannah Haarmann is a physical therapist specializing in rehabilitation for breast and gynecologic cancer patients from diagnosis to survivorship. She offers a customized, personalized treatment program for breast and gynecologic cancer, as well as lymphedema therapy.
Local Area Meetings
In Good Company support group for women with cancer. It meets at Mission SECU Cancer Center on the 3rd Thursday of each month from 4:30PM to 5:30PM. For more info, contact Janet Magruder or Brandy Firmin at (828) 213-2507 or (828) 213-2508.
Survivor-ship Workshop Classes – meets at Park Ridge Health and Asheville Hematology/Oncology four times per quarter from 4-5:30 (provides survivor-ship education and psycho-social support to cancer survivors who have completed treatment within the past year, regardless of where you received treatment) Contact info: Lauren Woodard, LCSW, OSW-C 828-681-2917 lauren.woodard@ahss.org
Oncology Educational Groups – meets at Park Ridge Health on the third Wednesday of each month and at Asheville Hematology/Oncology on the fourth Thursday of each month (educational format that offers a new topic each session and always allows time for open discussion, for anyone in the community including patients, family, and caregivers who are undergoing the stresses of cancer treatment) Contact info: Lauren Woodard, LCSW, OSW-C 828-681-2917 lauren.woodard@ahss.org
The Strength for Living support group – meets at Trinity Baptist Church’s Lighthouse on 156 Shelburne Road in West Asheville on the first Thursday of each month at 6pm (includes all types of cancer patients, men or women, and their caregivers) Contact info: Director Pat Johnston 828-319-7432
LiveStrong at the YMCA (12 week small group program designed for adult cancer survivors who have become deconditioned or chronically fatigued from their treatment and/or disease) Contact info: Rachel Dudasik rdudasik@ymcawnc.org 828-210-9607 For general information regarding the YMCA and all of the programs in addition to Live Strong they offer, please visit ymcawnc.org.
Five local YMCAs:
Asheville (downtown) 828-210-9622
Woodfin (the town of Woodfin) 828-505-3990
Reuter (Biltmore Park) 828-651-9622
Corpening (Marion) 828-659-9622
Hendersonville (downtown) 828-692-5774
Casting for Recovery, Free weekend retreats for breast cancer survivors) Contact info: Starr Nolan cfrnc@charter.net 828-215-4234